About Tennessee

The Tennessee Association of Surgical Technologists, a charter organization of the Association of Surgical Technologists, Inc, (AST) is an organization with over 1000 members throughout the state of Tennessee. Our charter was approved through AST in May of 2000. The primary interests of our organization are the continued education of our members, legislative activities within the state, and most importantly, the continued quality of care of our patients. The TNAST operates as a tax-exempt non-profit corporation     The Tennessee Association of Surgical Technologists (TNAST) is continually working to create a user-friendly web page for you its members. You are a member of the TNAST if you belong to AST and live in Tennessee. As a member, ten dollars (10) of your national membership dues come to the state association.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Tennessee Association of Surgical Technologists is to promote the profession of surgical technology through continuing education, and legislative, and marketing efforts that ultimately contribute to quality care of the surgical patient.

Our Current State Officers